Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting your book for review on our blog! We are passionate about literature and strive to provide insightful and constructive reviews to help authors and readers alike. To ensure a smooth and fair review process, please carefully read and adhere to the following submission guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Genres Accepted:
    • We accept books from a wide range of genres, including but not limited to fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, and memoirs. Unfortunately, we do not review poetry collections at this time.
  2. Publication Status:
    • We accept submissions for books that are either traditionally published or self-published. If your book is self-published, please ensure it has been professionally edited.
  3. Formats:
    • We prefer digital copies (eBooks) for reviewing purposes. However, we may consider print copies on a case-by-case basis. Please inquire about print submissions via our contact form.

Submission Process:

  1. Review the Blog:
    • Familiarize yourself with our blog and the types of books we typically review. This will help you determine if your book aligns with our interests and audience.
  2. Query First:
    • Before submitting your book, please send a query via email to Include a brief synopsis, genre, word count, publication date, and any other relevant information. We will respond as soon as possible to let you know if we are interested in reviewing your book.
  3. Submission Email:
    • If we express interest in reviewing your book, you can proceed to submit the full manuscript. Attach the eBook file (ePub, MOBI, or PDF) to your email. Include the book cover, author bio, and any additional information you believe is pertinent.
  4. Subject Line:
    • Use the following subject line in your submission email: “Book Review Submission: [Your Book Title] by [Your Name].”
  5. Follow-Up:
    • Feel free to follow up on your submission after a few days. While we make an effort to respond promptly, the volume of submissions may affect response time.

Guidelines for Authors:

  1. Professionalism:
    • Ensure that your book is professionally edited and formatted. We prioritize quality in both content and presentation.
  2. Provide Information:
    • Include relevant information such as genre, target audience, and any unique aspects of your book that would interest our readers.
  3. Author Engagement:
    • We appreciate authors who actively engage with readers. If your book is selected for review, we encourage you to participate in any related interviews, blog tours, or promotional activities.
  4. Accept Constructive Criticism:
    • Our reviews are honest and constructive. By submitting your book, you acknowledge that the review may contain both positive and constructive feedback.

Thank you for considering Mighty Book Reviews for your book review. We look forward to the opportunity to explore and share your literary work with our audience.

Happy reading and writing!

Mighty Book Reviews

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